Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Son Really Does Improve Your Spirits

I have been very happy as of late. The reason may be that I rekindled my relationship with the weight room. The sight of men wearing my nephew's hand-me-down t-shirts and women doing their personal kickboxing in front of the entire aerobic area will always put a smile on my face. Not only have I made my gym membership valuable again, I began a mixed doubles winter league, where I apparently fit the description, "short and looks like she could run like the wind." Playing with the elderly is definitely an ego boost to which I could grow accustomed. To be fair, though, the competition is quite good, and my game is being forced to improve. The reason could also be that the sun actually shines between the months of December and April in Virginia, a natural phenomenon to anyone from Cleveland.

While all these aspects of my current state are great, I believe the source of my renewed vigor runs deeper. This past Sunday, I made my usual pact with God- if I should awake by the hour of ten, I would attend church. This may seem as though I am avoiding church, but this is not the case, for if I am to sleep uncharacteristically late, I assume it must be for the improvement of my overall well-being.

The past four months I have been attending various churches, trying to find a place that I can only describe as "right for me." Although this may be an obscure qualification, it is difficult seeking a church among so many that have similar values. Admittedly, the search has been less than rigorous, as I found it much akin to dating. Sure, every one seems nice and they all may have good intentions, but how do I know at what point to commit? I do not want to be too quick to judge, but I also do not want to dive in purely for the purpose of arbitrary involvement, as I know this will only lead to a dysfunctional relationship where neither party benefits.

So it was that on this particular Sunday that I awoke at a reasonable hour and ventured to Christ Community Church. It is difficult to articulate spiritual matters, and I am much better at conveying humiliating stories, so I will simply say I believe God showed me that I belonged there. I was welcomed by many strangers, and honestly, I have never been treated so kindly upon initial introductions in my life. The more people I met, the more connections I had, which is an act of Providence itself, as I have only lived here four months.

I am continually amazed at what the Lord is capable of doing when I lay down my pride and allow him to work. By no means do I think I have reached a point where I can settle or cease striving; in fact, I feel more strongly that I need to break down the many barriers I have built. I do believe, though, I have reached a point of significance. A point where I am not only open to being challenged, giving myself to others, and growing, but I also have a place to facilitate those desires. It is a very peaceful point.

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