Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mi Amigo Viejo

Hello old friend. It has indeed been a bit of time since last we spoke, and for that, I apologize. I hope our relationship is strong enough for you to trust that though I was not in constant communication, you were on my mind. As is always the case with kindred spirits of this nature, I will pick up where we left off.

I would be lying if I said the last three months have not felt flustered. I am in the unique position of having the freedom to base decisions on no one but myself. I find this both liberating and daunting - especially daunting. For instance, I applied for a job in Columbus but then panicked when they called for a second interview, because what if I actually got the job and had to make a decision? My head then spirals into a pros/cons/what ifs list and is vacillating between two choices not yet before me. What if I have to move? Would the job be worth it? I do love Columbus. And I know people there. But I know people in Charlottesville, too. And I like them. Why did I apply? It is at this point that I remind myself to breathe deeply and trust that the appropriate doors will be open or slammed in my face. My biggest con, by the way, would be I just bought a new bed and if I have to purchase another damn bed, I will be quite upset. Four beds in four years is just excessive.

I do know that I would like to be employed at a marketing capacity come September. I have deeply enjoyed my time at Commonwealth and would consider continuing on a part time basis. The job does present challenges from time to time. This past week I won a free drink and a 3 liter bottle of rose based on various competitions. As far as analytical challenges, though, my greatest intellectual stimulation this week was estimating the number of strikeouts Joe Dimaggio had throughout his career. I nailed it and received a free cookie.

I am definitely creating opportunities for mental stimulation. I read Atlas Shrugged and came away a stronger defendant of the free market without losing my personal morality. I have also been conducting research. I have a chart comparing the prices, ambiance, and menu options of three coffee shops within walking distance of my apartment. I also am doing a small project regarding the correlation of the attention I receive as a brunette versus blonde. I am particularly fascinated by the difference observed in those of African decent. In Cleveland, it seemed the color of hair and size of one's backside were strongly correlated to the amount of advances. I am finding that said advances have not diminished in Charlottesville since changing my hair color. In my research, I have also found that arm definition is another determining factor. This is why one conducts research after all - to discover new nuances in trends.

I am also creating goals for myself. I finally saw Eric Church in concert. I have been tirelessly perfecting my tan. Putting together lots of furniture. I signed up to take the GMAT as it seems logical in the case I do not receive a job to drop a hundo grand on furthering my education.

So there you have it. Three months in a nutshell. In the coming weeks I will go into deeper detail, relaying humorous dating anecdotes, encounters with interesting people, the different mentality of 9 to 5ers and restaurant folk, the similarity between Lebron winning a championship and my ex getting engaged. For now, though, it was good to speak again.

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